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Good or Bad News: It’s Time to think Startups with Techstars

Image Courtesy: Startup Weekend Yangon Facebook Page

Yangon 2016 has levelled up the startup scene in different levels. Established startups reaching next level, fresh blood going around for summits and investment and inspired entrepreneurs having second thoughts on their career paths. With 2017 around the corner and “graduation” time at corporates, the new thought among employees is not that you got fired, but you let yourself out to explore more in the “Adventure Journey as Entrepreneur”.

Cream of the crop, this is what have happened to the most of us who have been in the startup community since late 2013. We’ve had more struggles in comparison to entrepreneurs of today. Many of our peers are in successful forms and have kept up to the levels of the global stage. There are some that have fallen, one of which was a major incubation program engaged by Ideabox supported by Ooredoo and Project Hub Yangon whom at its best launched successful programs gracefully with Global Entrepreneurship Week events.

One of early incubation thought leader, former co-founder of Ideabox Myanmar and current Co-Founder of Codebrotary, Kaung Sitt expresses his thought on the recent changes and comments:

“I see many new faces every time I mingle at networking events these days. Expats, repats and many inspired entrepreneurs and corporate professionals actively exchange ideas and Improvement have been seen. Beyond 2014, things opened up and young entrepreneurs craved for startup challenges and results have been pretty positive and not very smooth but in a good shape, so far. I believe tech startups will be more demanding and occupying most of startup ecosystem in Myanmar and yet there should be more supports from financial aids and investors to build stronger Startup Ecosystem in Myanmar”

Tech scene compared to then has become a more active and a community. Back then tech startups atmosphere was most excited by Myanmar’s first ever 48 hour Hackathon: “Code for Change Myanmar”. This program boosted the technology scene encouraging the participants to tackle some of the country’s most pressing challenges encouraging many more hackathon challenges most of which have been organized by Phandeeyar Innovation lab along the way. Read More »

世界上最好的创业者学院Founder Institute 进驻缅甸

Image Courtesy: Aung Win Htut, Phandeeyar Innovation Lab

缅甸本土创业社区Phandeeyar 将与源自硅谷的老牌创业者学院Founder Institute 展开合作,将全球首屈一指的创业者指导项目带到缅甸,帮助缅甸科技创业企业和技术独到的才俊们在寻梦旅途上更进一步。

Phandeeyar 一直是缅甸初创公司的好伙伴,而Founder Institute 从2014年便放眼缅甸市场,考虑到当时美国与缅甸关系的局势并不明朗,Founder Institute 一直没有出手。 如今,随着美国对缅甸制裁历史性地全面解除(参考我们的文章),所有的疑虑烟消云散,两家机构将携手帮助缅甸初创公司快步前进。

Founder Institute 在 Phandeeyar 登场

在Phandeeyar 创新实验室的办公室,初次到来的Founder Institute 受到了热烈的欢迎。缅甸科创界领军企业的CEO 和创始人们齐聚一堂,分享了他们创业旅途上的艰辛和感悟。

一位创始人在题为《从雇员走向雇主》的演讲中作了这样的结尾,”我自己的创业旅程起步并不容易,而如今的创业者们能从Phandeeyar 和 Founder Institute 那里得到帮助,我很欣慰,光辉的时刻正在来到”。


老牌加速器 Founder Institute 在全世界范围内都有着良好的成绩单,有了他们的加持,缅甸科创社区将会以难以想象的速度发展。可以肯定的是,无论是对这个国家、科创企业和个人来说,大家都有了更好发挥潜能实现梦想和愿景的机会。

Jes Petersen,Phandeeyar 的加速器总监,在演讲期间提到,“我们一直致力于帮助缅甸的科创企业做得更好,有了Founder Institute 的帮助,我们能够在2016年剩下的时间和未来为大家提供更多有效的加速计划。我们邀请越来越多的企业家们加入我们,让我们有机会为大家的成功助力“。

在全球舞台上,Founder Institute 助力了超过2000家企业,在全球提供了15000多个就业机会,创造的总估值约为120亿美元。

Founder Institute 为创业企业开展为期4个月的高级加速课程,涵盖了创业企业设立的每一个步骤,从“有个想法”到起步和实际筹款,利用本土和全球的资源网络,为缅甸的企业家们提供帮助。

尽管从全球数据来看,只有少于35%的参加者能从Founder Institute 的项目中顺利毕业,但在我们看来,只要能够坚持梦想持续前进,毕业与否并不重要。


摄影: Aung Win Htut, Phandeeyar Innovation Lab

Translated by 饶溪 from 缅甸观察网

本作品由本站合作伙伴Startup95 授权专栏发表,转载前请获取授权。


World’s Premier Startup Program in Myanmar

Local Startup Community Phandeeyar has partnered with Founder Institute and launched the world’s premier startup programs for startup founders, inspired entrepreneurs and tech savvy individuals to pursue their dreams to the next level.

Phandeeyar has always been a great supporter to the Myanmar startup scene, ever since 2014. Founder Institute, after two years of observation and silence came at a time even when there were many concerns with the US relationship with Myanmar. But all that has become history with recent sanctions lifted. Now together, both will be working together to help Myanmar Startups gear up at a pace.

Founder Institute Introduced to Community at Phandeeyar

A full house filled with warm welcome was gestured towards Founder Institute at their launch at the Phandeeyar Innovation lab’s office. Alongside were leading startups’ CEOs and founder struggles and inspiring Life-Hacks on their startup journeys.

“It was not an easy journey for me when I started. Now that we have supports from Phandeeyar and Founder Institute for the next wave of startups, I am glad to say it will be glowing moment coming up” Myo Myint Kyaw, CEO & Founder of REVO Tech, commented in the last sentence of his speech titled “making the leap from Employee to Employer”.

Myanmar Startups scene has been growing a lot in these paced-up three years. Early startups community embraced the bloom of the scene with an approximate number of 20s in 2013–2014. Up to now, it has reached to its quarter thousand in numbers and appears to keeps growing and booming.

With the aid of Founders Institute and their track record of being used by the world’s fastest growing startups, one cannot wait to see what the startup scene will be in Myanmar. There will definitely be more startups but to see them successful and blossoming to their full potential would be a boost to the country and to the people into building their dreams and visions.

“We are always looking to help innovate startups for their businesses and yet again we have partnered with Founder Institute and we have effective programs affiliated to provide from this remaining of 2016 and forwards. Applications are calling out now to register at and we are excited to welcome more and more inspired entrepreneurs to the programs and hopefully launching their business successfully and sustainably in coming years” Jes Petersen, Accelerator Director, Phandeeyar, spoke to the audience during the presentation.

In the global stage, founder institute had empowered 2000 plus companies, 15000+ jobs created globally and total estimated $12BN portfolio Value.

Founder Institute 4 months Premier Curriculum covers every single step of startup structure well-crafted for the inspired entrepreneurs from idea stage to bootstrapping and fundraising, mentorship both local and global network to grow, a team to help you found and trainings.

One thing though, less than 35% of the entrepreneurs had graduated from Founder Institute in global numbers. Thus, we wish you all the best for your journey. Not to worry for graduation as long as you stick to what you build to the limit of your dream startup.

Here’s a tip from our team. Be an entrepreneur. Make a leap. Commit your dream. Start today.

Program Information & Curriculum;


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Photography: Aung Win Htut, Phandeeyar Innovation Lab

Founder Institute Launched at Phandeeyar – Photos (Aung Win Htut, Phandeeyar)



盛装之日:米盛创业奖(Rice Bowl Startup Awards)缅甸赛区获胜者出炉

仰光的创业社区最近弄了个大新闻。平时聚集在Phandeeyar(位于仰光的科创活动中心)穿着T恤和牛仔裤的创客们罕见的换上了西装领带踏步红地毯。当晚,米盛创业奖(Rice Bowl Startup Awards,一项由GSA 及NEF 举办的南亚创业项目评选活动)缅甸赛区的获奖名单在Phandeeyar 揭晓,获胜者们将向米盛创业奖总决赛发起冲击。


缅甸赛区的评委会由业界贤达们组成,他们负责从被提名者中选出全缅最好的创业企业。Phandeeyar 的负责人Jes Kaliebe Petersen 在典礼的启动仪式上发言,他同时也宣布了他们为第一批在该中心孵化和加速的企业提供的方案。

由Tun Thura Thet 博士、Cindy Chaw Khin Khin 女士以及Mon Mon Myat Thu 女士组成的性别平等委员会负责为缅甸赛区的冠军及其他获奖者颁奖。获胜者将入围在马来西亚吉隆坡举行的决赛,向米盛创业大奖发起冲击。

业界新晋奖(Best New Comer Award)
冠军: Melomap (缅甸的歌曲识别软件)
亚军: Peddle (一款C2C 市场应用)

最佳创始人奖(Best Founder Award)
冠军: Myint Kyaw Thu (Total Gameplay Studio 联合创始人)
亚军: Ye Myat Min, (Nex 创始人)

最佳业界媒体人奖(Best Startup Journalist)
冠军: Catherine Trautwein (Myanmar Times)
亚军: Judith Balea (TechInAsia)

最佳活动奖(Best Campaign Award)
冠军: Pansagar (反仇恨言论运动)
亚军: Mae Pay Soh (为大选投票运动)

最佳创业企业奖(Best Startup Award)
冠军: Oway (transport startup which managed to recently raise $10M)
亚军: Bindez (CarDB)

年度开发者(Developer of the Year)
冠军: Htoo Myint Naung (Technomation)
亚军: Thuya Myo Nyunt (Melomap, Bindez)

Translated by 饶溪 from 缅甸观察网

In partnership with Myanmar Observation

The Night Startup Crowd Dropped Their T-shirts and Jeans for Suit and Ties

One of the rare moments in the history of Yangon startups happened and the usual startup crowd traded their casual tees and jeans for an evening of red carpet in Phandeeyar. It was the night of the Rice Bowl Startups Myanmar where the winners will then be entered into the final of the ASEAN Rice Bowl Startups Awards.

The evening was filled with smart people roaming about in a space crowded event, the mood as triumphant as the country in it’s first 100 days journey with the newly elected government. Everyone is dressed up and ready to celebrate the strides taken so far both in community and the country. Rice bowl celebrates the entrepreneurship ecosystem by recognising not just the startups and the founders, but also the various stakeholders and cheerleaders of the community. Read More »